Benefits of Energy Medicine
Do you have any of these concerns?
- Anxiety
- Apathy, numbness, depression, fatigue, lack of vitality
- Feeling “stuck” in life; lack of ability to make changes
- Feeling that you’re watching your life from the outside
- Feeling that there’s more to life than you’re experiencing
- Repetitive negative behavior patterns
- Past emotional traumas that continue to haunt you
- Mood swings or personality shifts
- Physical symptoms that conventional medicine considers to be “psychosomatic.”
Energy Healing can often alleviate such concerns, with these benefits
- Rekindle energy and motivation
- Experience peace and well-being
- Function from a calm, grounded center
- Communicate more easily with others
- Focus on the present, not the past or future
- Experience a deepening spiritual connection
- Awaken your own inner healer

Client comments
During a healing session
- Feeling safe (which is unusual for me)
- Feeling of frozen parts being thawed
- Positive visions of persons with prior conflicts
- Sadness, then tearful release (I never cry!)
- Something unlocked or shifted
- The anger drained out of me
- Awe and wonder at recovered memories
Client comments
At the end of a session
- Deeply relaxed, peaceful, calm
- It took the edge off of my emotions
- Feeling of lightness — a weight taken off
- I don’t feel preoccupied with that issue now
- Open, upright posture (not tight, hunched)
- More energy, enthusiasm
- Warm, comforted, content, loved
- Optimistic, joyful, excited
- The possibility of freedom
For client comments after one or more sessions, click Testimonials.
What kinds of people can benefit from energy healing?
Here’s my experience:
- Occupations include teachers, nurses, therapists, artists, body-workers — and lawyers and business people.
- Ages range from 20s to 80s — as well as children.
- 60% female, 40% male.
- There’s a wide range of topics and symptoms (where I’m aware of them). Remember that you don’t have to tell me about your session topic.
- Most important is having an open mind and willingness to try something new to you.
If you’re from a business, engineering, or computing field, and you’ve wondered if energy medicine is “too far out” for you, please be reassured that it’s relevant to everyone: I’m a real-life example! If you’re still unsure and would like to discuss your concerns, please click Contact Me to reach me by phone or e-mail.